Based on information from Transplant Awareness Inc., approximately 55 pharmaceutical manufacturers offer some type of assistance for needy patients. Manufacturers define eligibility requirements, and require your doctor to certify that you qualify. You can get a current alphabetical listing of drugs for which there are assistance programs by writing to:

Senate Special Committee on Aging
Dirksen Senate Office Building
Room G-31
Washington, DC 20510

Phone: 202-224-5364

The Cost Containment Research Institute has published a 32-page booklet entitled “Free and Low Cost Prescription Drugs.” To receive a copy send $5 for postage and handling to:

Cost Containment Research Institute
Booklet #PD925
611 Pennsylvania Ave., SE, Suite 1010
Washington, D 20003-4303

Phone: 202-637-0038

Manufactured by Burroughs Wellcome

Patient Information Services
Burroughs-Wellcome Company
P.O. Box 52035
Phoenix, AZ 85072-9349

Phone: 800-722-9294

Products are available in a 30-day supply, with maximum of 90 days therapy. Eligibility requirements include a gross monthly income less than 200% of Federal poverty guidelines.

Manufactured by Glaxo

Patient must be a private outpatient who is considered medically indigent by his/her physician and who is not eligible for any other third-party reimbursement. Maximum three months’ supply.

Manufactured by Fujisawa USA, Inc.
Prograf Patient Assistance Program
c/o Medical Technology Hotlines
P. O. Box 7710
Washington, DC 20044

Phone: 800-477-6472
FAX: 202-637-6690